Samstag, 7. April 2012

Happy things, sad things ...

Beside the work, the past week was characterized by happy things, but also by sad things:
Happy things: Monday: I met Kathy ... she works in the Goodman Community Center and I really enjoyed the Lunch with her and to hear a bit about her life and her work. Monday night, we had our last Margarita night together ... it was a really funny evening. Tuesday night: We invited Brandon and Margaret to come over for a last dinner together in our house. After the dinner we played Pictionary, again. :o) Wednesday after work: We went with Brandon and Margaret to the Department of Dairy Science to see how they milk the cows. After the milking adventure we had delicious Burritors at Fuzzy´s. 1st sad thing: After our Burrito dinner, we had to say goodby to Brandon, because he had to go back to Nebraska. 2nd sad thing: Thursday morging: We had to say goodby to Hardi, because he had to fly back to Germany. In both cases it was not easy to say goodby ... now, the elm research group is pretty uncomplete, but we had a really nice time together here in Madison. However, after these two sad things the week continued with happy things: Friday evening: I went with Margaret and one of her friends to a South-Indian Carnatic Classical Music concert. The concert reminded me that I always wanted to travel to India. Saturday afternoon: Margaret came over to show me how to make pottery. It was a funny afternoon which started with the fact that we suprisingly have to organize some clay because we didn´t find some clay among the pottery stuff at the back porch. ;o) Anyway, after we fixed the clay problem we started to make pottery. I think we can be really proud of our results (each of us made a bowl). Thank you Margaret for teaching me ... I really enjoyed it.

with Kathy in the Goodman Community Center
 this guy was the singer at the Indian concert
lets start the pottery afternoon

Margaret in action

Margaret´s bowl

my turn

here we are

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