Sonntag, 4. März 2012

My 3rd weekend in Madison ...

Friday night: We watched "Pioneers of Animation" at the Cinematheque. It was a nice collection of cartoons (e.g. Felix the Cat, Koko the Clown) with live accompaniment.
Saturday morning: Brandon picked us up for a visit of the Arboretum. It was the Aldo Leopold weekend and they arranged a reading from his book " A Sand County Almanac". 
Saturday evening: Brandon and Margaret came over for dinner. We prepared mustard eggs with potoes, white cabbage salad and cranberry desert. After the dinner we played some games: Cheat (a card game) and Pictionary. It was a really funny and nice evening. :o)
Sunday afternoon: We went to the West Town Mall. We had a nice shopping tour and purchaded a lot of clothes. ;o)

Curtis Prairie

The world's oldest restored prairie

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