Sonntag, 11. März 2012

4th weekend - Saturday

We got up quite early in the morning to catch the Badger bus to visit the Winter Pow Wow in Milwaukee. It was my 3rd Pow Wow and it is still really nice to see all the wonderful fancy dresses and to hear the drums and singers.
Back in Madison, Thing, her boyfriend and Shiya invited us to a Chinese restaurant where we had a super delicious dinner. by the way: Hardi tried a dish with frog legs and he said that it was really good.
After the dinner we played Pictionary, again. :o) But this time we decided that the members of the loser team will get a special "punishment" (see pictures) ;o)

the dinner starts ...

Hardi and the needle mushrooms

after the dinner :o)
Pictionary drawings (1)

Pictionary drawings (2)

Pictionary drawings (3)
the boys won the first Pictionary round and as punishment for the girls team they mixed a special drink (vinegar, grapefruit juice, pumpkin pie spice and Marsala cooking wine)

that´s the special drink

Shiya is going to drink first ...

yeah ... we survived

muahaha ... second round was won by the girls ;o) ... this is our special beverage mix for the boys (flour, grape jelly, chrushed garlic and Worcestersauce)

you can see ... the drink we mixed for the boys was really delicious :o)

even the boys survived

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